Prunus laurocerasus – Laurel:120 – 150cm cg – Currently on offer !


Fast-growing, bushy evergreen, good for hedges and game cover in woodlands. Tolerates shade and damp conditions.

This instant impact 4-5′ hedging comes root-balled as the plants are very strong. A ‘Root-ball’ is a roughly spherical aggregate of roots and soil, that is transplanted with the plant. The hessian wrapping surrounding the root-ball should not be removed, as it is fully biodegradable ensuring there is no packaging waste.

The weight of the root-ball also helps stabilize the tree and prevent tilting or falling. Finally, the root-ball soil contains beneficial microbes and other soil organisms that can help ease transplant shock to the root system.

Requires a stake and soft tie to secure at an angle to the stem, thus avoiding piercing the root-ball.

The planting season for bare-rooted trees and shrubs is generally between the months of November – March

Additional info

  • Type: Container Grown
  • Size: Varies
  • Size: 120 - 150 (r/b)
Quantity discounts available:

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